Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
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Volunteer Bridge: Uniting for Rural Education

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 24th June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2026

Overview: Volunteer Bridge is a dynamic campaign aimed at connecting the power of volunteers with the potential of students in rural Lao PDR. Through a structured donation-based crowdfunding approach, this initiative seeks to gather resources to enable talented rural students to continue their education in urban centers, facilitated and supported by a dedicated network of volunteers. The Challenge: Rural students in Lao PDR typically encounter substantial barriers when aspiring to pursue higher education in cities. These barriers include economic constraints, lack of information about educational opportunities, and insufficient preparatory resources. Due to these obstacles, many potential talents remain untapped, limiting not only the future of these students but also the potential socioeconomic development of the region.

Our Mission:

Volunteer Bridge aims to dismantle these barriers by financially and logistically supporting rural students' transition to urban schools. Supported by volunteers, this campaign provides not just funding but also mentorship, tutoring, and logistical support to ensure a well-rounded and successful educational journey.

Campaign Goals:

  1. Fundraising Target: Raise $20,000 to support at least 30 students for a full academic year.
  2. Educational and Logistical Support: Utilize volunteers to provide tutoring, relocation assistance, and mentoring.
  3. Sustainable Impact: Create a replicable model of education assistance that can be scaled and adapted to other regions.

How Donations Will Be Used:

  • Tuition and School Fees: 50%
  • Accommodation and Living Expenses: 30%
  • Transport and Initial Setup: 10%
  • Volunteer Training and Resources: 10%

Each contribution will be transparently allocated, with donors receiving regular updates on financial use and student progress.

Why Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is an effective tool for mobilizing community and international support, allowing small contributions to cumulate into significant educational investments. It not only raises funds but also increases awareness and engagement across a broader demographic.

Benefits for Donors:

  • Regular Updates: Receive detailed reports on the progress of students and the impact of your contribution.
  • Community Recognition: Donors will be acknowledged at events and in promotional materials.
  • Tax Benefits: Contributions will be tax-deductible, providing additional incentive for donors.

Outreach Strategy:

  1. Social Media and Online Marketing: Leverage platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote the campaign and highlight real student stories.
  2. Community Workshops: Run educational workshops in rural areas to inform communities about the opportunities available for their children.
  3. Partnerships: Forge partnerships with educational institutions and local businesses to enhance the support network for students.

How to Help:

  • Donate: Your financial contribution is vital for the education and support of each student.
  • Spread the Word: Share our mission with your network to help us reach as many potential donors as possible.
  • Volunteering: Become a part of our volunteer team and directly impact the lives of these students.


Volunteer Bridge is more than just a fundraising campaign; it is a movement to bridge educational disparities and foster opportunities for all. By supporting this campaign, you are investing in the future leaders of Lao PDR and contributing to the overall development of the country.

Step forward and help us build a bridge to success for rural students in Lao PDR.

 (Note: All operational and legal details of the campaign will comply with Lao PDR's policies and will be transparently shared with all stakeholders.)





Also To Go


Not Yet Completed

729 days to go
People have made a donation

Panin Phetvixay

$ 100.00 at 28th Jun 2024


$ 100.00 at 19th Jun 2024

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