Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
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Our financial Advisory Service


Hands of Hope - Volunteer Empowerment in Lao PDR

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 15th June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2026

Introduction Welcome to the "Hands of Hope - Volunteer Empowerment in Lao PDR" campaign! Our aim is to ignite a movement of positive change throughout the communities in Lao PDR by supporting the dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly on the ground. These volunteers are crucial in initiatives ranging from education and environmental conservation to healthcare and community development.

The Need for Support

While volunteers are willing to lend their time and skills, many community projects suffer from a lack of resources and infrastructure. Your support will provide not only the necessary materials but also training and logistical aid to ensure these selfless individuals can effectively carry out their missions.

What We Aim to Achieve

This campaign focuses on the following key objectives:

  • Resource Provision: Supplying necessary tools, materials, and funding for ongoing and new community projects led by volunteers.
  • Training Programs: Offering specialized training sessions to equip volunteers with essential skills to enhance their effectiveness.
  • Logistical Support: Covering transportation, accommodation, and sustenance costs for volunteers, especially those working in remote and underserved areas.

How Your Contributions Help

Here’s how each dollar will create an impact:

  • $10,000 for Project Resources: Supplies and materials for building, teaching, and healthcare initiatives.
  • $8,000 for Volunteer Training: Workshops in project management, health and safety, and specialized skills relevant to each volunteer’s role.
  • $7,000 for Transportation and Logistics: Ensuring volunteers can reach and deliver aid to remote communities efficiently.
  • $5,000 for Communication and Coordination: Tools and technology to coordinate efforts among volunteers and local communities, ensuring maximized impact of each project.

Transparency and Accountability

To maintain transparency:

  • We’ll provide detailed monthly updates about the projects, showcasing where and how funds are used.
  • Donors will receive reports and direct testimonials from the volunteers and communities impacted by their contributions.

Time-Sensitive Call to Action

We urgently need to mobilize resources to kick-start several pending projects before the onset of the rainy season, which can severely hinder accessibility and progress.

How to Contribute

  1. Donate: Any amount helps, and your donation will be put to immediate use.
  2. Share: Spread the word by sharing our campaign on your social media platforms, encouraging others to join our cause.
  3. Host Fundraising Events: Organize local gatherings or online events to champion our cause.

Perks for Contributors

  • $50 Donation: A personalized thank you email and a photo update from the field.
  • $100 Donation: A personalized video message from the volunteer team, sharing progress directly from their project locations.
  • $500 Donation: Your name or business will be featured on our campaign page as a major supporter.
  • $1,000 Donation: An invitation to a virtual tour of the project sites and live Q&A session with key volunteers and community leaders.


Your support enables the \\Hands of Hope\\ campaign to empower volunteers in Lao PDR, turning their dedication and hard work into sustainable benefits for numerous communities. Join us to make a real difference, empowering those who step up to help others. Your investment in volunteerism is an investment in the future of Lao PDR.

Donate Today and help us bring hope and practical help where it is most needed. Together, we can achieve remarkable things for the people of Lao PDR.





Also To Go


Not Yet Completed

639 days to go
People have made a donation


$ 100.00 at 21st Jun 2024

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