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Help Us Combat the Impact of Drought in Lao PDR

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 29th May 2024

End Date : 31st May 2027

As climate change continues to reshape our world, Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) faces a severe and prolonged drought that threatens the livelihoods, food security, and well-being of countless communities across the nation. The Stark Reality of Drought in Lao PDR: Lao PDR, largely an agrarian society, relies heavily on its natural water sources for farming and everyday life. The current drought has reached critical levels, majorly disrupting these activities. Rivers and reservoirs are drying up, crops are failing, and water scarcity is becoming dangerously commonplace.

Food Security:

The failure of staple crops is leading to food shortages, increasing the risk of hunger and malnutrition.

Economic Stability: Farming communities are facing financial ruin, which can push families further into poverty.

Health and Safety: Reduced water availability increases health hazards, including dehydration and sanitation issues, leading to higher risks of disease.

Goals of Our Drought Relief Initiative:

Water Provision: Supplying affected areas with sustainable water sources to meet daily and agricultural needs.Support for Farmers: Introducing drought-resistant crops and innovative farming techniques to ensure food supply and economic stability.

Community Education: Educating communities about water conservation and sustainable practices.

How You Can Make a Difference:

Donate Now: Your financial contribution will provide immediate relief and fund critical projects aimed at long-term drought resilience.Become an Advocate: Help us raise awareness by sharing our message with your network, thus enlarging our impact.

Volunteer Your Skills: If you are in or near Lao PDR and can assist on the ground or remotely, we need your expertise!

Your Contribution Counts:

$25 can provide a family with access to clean water for a month.

$100 can help fund the setup of rainwater harvesting systems for families.

$250 can support the transition of a local farm to drought-resistant agricultural practices.

Stand with Lao PDR: Join us in our mission to mitigate the impacts of this devastating drought on vulnerable communities. Your support can profoundly influence the resilience and recovery capacity of thousands of individuals and families throughout Lao PDR.





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1064 days to go
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$ 100.00 at 8th Jun 2024


$ 100.00 at 6th Jun 2024


$ 100.00 at 1st Jun 2024


$ 100.00 at 1st Jun 2024


$ 100.00 at 1st Jun 2024

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