Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
and E-Commerce

Our financial Advisory Service


Enlighten Lao PDR - Empowering Futures

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 14th June 2024

End Date : 14th June 2025

Introduction Welcome to the "Enlighten Lao PDR" campaign! Our mission is to significantly improve the accessibility and quality of education for children across Lao People’s Democratic Republic. This campaign is fueled by a vision where every child in Lao PDR, regardless of their background or geographical location, has access to a quality education that empowers them to contribute positively to their community.

The Challenge

In Lao PDR, many children, especially those from rural and underserved communities, face barriers to accessing education. These barriers include lack of proper school infrastructure, insufficient learning materials, and the absence of qualified teachers. As a result, educational disparities persist, limiting future opportunities for countless youth.

Our Objectives

\Enlighten Lao PDR\ aims to harness the power of community and global generosity to:

·     Build and refurbish school facilities in critical areas.

·     Supply schools with essential learning materials and modern educational equipment.

·     Fund teacher training programs to ensure high-quality instruction.

·     Implement community educational workshops to emphasize the importance of education.

How Contributions Will Be Used

Every dollar collected makes a tangible difference:

·     $25,000 for the construction and repair of classroom infrastructure.

·     $20,000 for providing learning materials such as textbooks, educational toys, and digital learning tools.

·     $15,000 for training and ongoing professional development of teachers.

·     $15,000 for educational workshops and community engagement programs.

Transparency and Reporting

To ensure the trust of all our supporters:

·     We will conduct monthly updates detailing how funds are being utilized and the progress of project milestones.

·     We will distribute annual reports with thorough details of expenditure and impact assessment.

·     Supporters will have direct communication channels with our managing teams for any inquiries about the usage of their donations.

Why Now?

The urgency to act is driven by a generation of children at risk of being left behind. Immediate action is essential to change the trajectory of these young lives and to build a foundational shift toward sustainable educational development in Lao PDR.

How to Contribute

1.   Donate: Every gift, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goal.

2.   Share: Spread the word on social media, in community groups, and among peers to amplify the impact.

3.   Partner: We invite businesses and other organizations to join as sponsors or collaborators.

Perks for Contributors

To show our appreciation, we offer the following tokens of thanks:

·     Donations of $100 - Receive a personalized thank you video from the students.

·     Donations of $500 - Get listed on a dedicated ‘Wall of Honor’ on our online platforms and future school sites.

·     Donations of $1,000 or more - Receive invitation to a virtual tour of completed projects and a meeting with key educators and students.


Join us in transforming the landscape of education in Lao PDR. With your help, we can light up the path to a brighter, more promising future for the children and, ultimately, for the entire nation. Together, we can rewrite the story—one where every child in Lao PDR has the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.

Donate Today and become a beacon of hope in the lives of these young learners. Your action could change futures. Let's educate, empower, and enlighten together!





Also To Go


Not Yet Completed

348 days to go

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