Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
and E-Commerce

Our financial Advisory Service


Bright Horizons: Empowering Rural Students in Lao

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 25th June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2027

Campaign Title: "Bright Horizons: Empowering Rural Students in Lao PDR" Overview: The Bright Horizons campaign is designed as a donation-based crowdfunding initiative aimed at empowering students from rural areas in Lao PDR by facilitating their education in urban centers. This initiative seeks to bridge the educational divide by providing financial support and resources to students who lack access to quality education due to geographical and economic constraints. The Challenge: Many students in rural Lao PDR face significant obstacles that impede their access to the educational resources, quality teaching, and broader opportunities available in urban areas. These challenges are compounded by economic limitations that prevent them from relocating to cities where better educational institutions are located.

Our Mission:

To democratize access to quality education by financially supporting rural students in Lao PDR who show potential but lack the means to study in city schools. Bright Horizons aspires to create equitable opportunities for personal and professional growth, thereby contributing to broader societal development.

Campaign Goals:

  1. Fundraising Target: Raise $25,000 to initiate and sustain the project over the next academic year.
  2. Support at Least 50 Students: Cover complete educational and living expenses for at least 50 students from rural Lao PDR.
  3. Create Ongoing Support Systems: Establish mentoring and support networks that assist students throughout their educational journey in urban settings.

How Donations Will Be Used:

  • Tuition and School Fees: 50%
  • Accommodation and Meals: 30%
  • Transport and Miscellaneous Needs: 20%

Transparency and accountability are central to our operations, and donors will receive quarterly reports detailing the allocation and impact of funds.

Why Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding offers a platform to engage a diverse range of individuals and organizations worldwide in supporting a common cause. It enables small contributions to aggregate into significant amounts, making a substantial impact on the society while engaging a broad community in social change.

Benefits for Donors:

  • Regular Updates: Receive detailed reports and updates on the progress of students and how funds are being used.
  • Donor Recognition: Contributors can be recognized on our website and at public events, depending on the level of contribution.
  • Tax Benefits: Donations to this campaign will be eligible for tax deductions.

Outreach Strategy:

  1. Social Media Outreach: Leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to raise awareness and update followers on campaign progress.
  2. Engagement with Local Media: Collaborate with local newspapers and television stations to feature stories from the campaign and the students’ journeys.
  3. Community Events: Organize information sessions and fundraising events in both rural and urban areas to engage communities and stakeholders directly.

How to Help:

  • Contribute Financially: Every dollar contributed directly supports these students' educational and living expenses.
  • Share Information: The wider the information reaches, the greater the potential pool of donors and supporters.
  • Volunteer: Offer skills in tutoring, mentoring, or administrative support.


Join us in forging paths to brighter futures through education with Bright Horizons. Your support can transform the lives of rural students in Lao PDR by providing them with the education they deserve, fostering societal equity, and stimulating economic development.

Transform a life today. Invest in education. Empower a community.


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1094 days to go

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