Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
and E-Commerce

Our financial Advisory Service


Empowering Lao Youth through Sports

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 20th June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2027

Overview: Our campaign, "Goalposts to Growth," aims to empower rural Lao students by providing them with opportunities to access sports education and training in urban centers. By harnessing the power of donation-based crowdfunding, we seek to enlist global support to fund scholarships for these students, helping them unleash their potential both academically and athletically. The Challenge: Many promising young athletes in rural Lao PDR lack access to quality sports training and education facilities that are more prevalent in urban areas. The discrepancy in resources limits their ability to excel and deprives them of opportunities to grow both personally and professionally in sports careers.

Our Mission:

We are dedicated to leveling the playing field by offering these young talents robust sports education programs in the city, which include not only training but also academic mentoring. By doing so, we aspire to nurture well-rounded individuals who can excel in sports and life, making substantial contributions to their communities and the nation.

Campaign Goals:

  1. Fundraising Target: Aim to raise $30,000 within the next year.
  2. Support 40 Students: Offer comprehensive sports and academic scholarships to at least 40 students from rural areas.
  3. Build Partnerships: Collaborate with local sports clubs and schools to ensure sustainable training and educational opportunities.

How Donations Will Be Used:

  • Sports Training and Equipment: 50%
  • School Tuition: 30%
  • Accommodation and Living Expenses: 15%
  • Transportation: 5%

Donors will receive transparent, regular updates about the allocation of funds and the benefits realized by the scholarship recipients.

Why Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding taps into the community spirit, empowering individuals everywhere to contribute towards shaping the futures of young athletes. It allows for small or large contributions, each adding up to make a significant impact.

Benefits for Donors:

  • Regular Updates: Witness first-hand the impact of your donation through updates and annual reports.
  • Engagement Opportunities: Opportunities to meet scholarship recipients at events or through virtual meet-ups.
  • Tax Benefits: Contributions will be tax deductible, aiding in personal or corporate tax planning.

Outreach Strategy:

  1. Social Media Campaigns: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to capture and share compelling stories of aspiring athletes.
  2. Partnerships: Engage with sports organizations and educational institutions for endorsements and collaborative promotions.
  3. Local Engagement: Host community sports events and informational sessions in rural areas to engage students and families.

How to Help:

  • Donate: Every contribution brings another athlete one step closer to their dreams.
  • Share: Help us reach a wider audience by sharing our campaign through your networks.
  • Volunteer: Lend your skills in organizing events, coaching, or mentoring students.


By contributing to \Goalposts to Growth,\ you're not just supporting sports development; you're helping shape resilient, determined, and successful young individuals ready to tackle life's challenges. Your support creates a ripple effect, fostering thriving communities that value health, education, and personal development.

Take action today. Let's transform potential into excellence, one student at a time.

 (Note: All links and contact information would be tailored based on the specific platform being used and the legal requirements in Lao PDR.)








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1094 days to go

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