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Disaster Relief and Recovery in Lao PDR

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 21st June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2026

Campaign Description: Introduction: Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is a region frequently affected by natural disasters, including floods, droughts, and landslides. These events devastate communities and hinder long-term development. "Resilience Rising" is a dedicated campaign aiming to provide immediate disaster relief and foster long-term recovery and resilience among impacted communities in Lao PDR. Campaign Goal: Our target is to raise $60,000 to support disaster-stricken areas with emergency relief, rebuilding efforts, and resilience programs to better prepare for future crises.

How Funds Will Be Used:

  1. Emergency Relief ($40,000): Immediate provision of food, water, and temporary shelter to affected populations.
  2. Rebuilding Efforts ($10,000): Assistance in repairing homes and infrastructure, including schools and healthcare facilities.
  3. Resilience Programs ($10,000): Developing and implementing training programs for local communities on disaster preparedness and sustainable rebuilding techniques.

Impact of Your Contribution:

  • Rapid Response: Quick deployment of essential resources and services to impacted communities following a disaster.
  • Infrastructure Recovery: Support in rebuilding crucial infrastructure that ensures normalcy and safety for residents.
  • Future Preparedness: Empower communities with the knowledge and tools to mitigate and respond to future disasters effectively.

Why Donate?

  • Transparency: Every donation is tracked and reported back to donors. Quarterly updates with detailed breakdowns of spending and project progress will be provided.
  • Acknowledgement: Donors contributing over $500 will have their names included on a 'Wall of Supporters' at major project sites.
  • Engagement: Higher-level donors ($1,000 and above) will be invited to participate in webinars and briefings detailing the impact of their contributions.

Campaign Rewards:

  • Donations of $25: Receive exclusive campaign updates and a Resilience Rising sticker pack.
  • Donations of $100: Personalized thank-you video from the field, featuring stories of the individuals and families your donation has impacted.
  • Donations of $500: All previous rewards, plus your name on the community acknowledgment board in rebuilt areas.
  • Donations of $1,000 or more: All of the above plus a virtual tour of completed projects and a printed photo book documenting the communities' journey to recovery.

How to Donate: You can make your contribution through our secure online crowdfunding platform. Simply click the link below, choose your donation level, and help us bring crucial help to families in need.

Share Our Campaign: Let others know about our efforts to rebuild and strengthen communities in Lao PDR by sharing this campaign with your network. Every share expands our reach and impact.

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Join the \Resilience Rising: Disaster Relief and Recovery in Lao PDR\ campaign today. Together, we can rebuild lives and communities, making them stronger and more prepared for the future. This is more than aid; it's a commitment to sustainable recovery and resilience. Your support can make all the difference!







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729 days to go

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