Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding and E-Commerce

Management Chart

Boreyroth Group, Inc of Management Structure and Functions

I. Advisory Boards

Functions: Provide strategic advice, ensure compliance with governance and regulations, and support management with specialized insights.

  • Board Chairman
  • Overall leadership of the board, sets meeting agendas, ensures board effectiveness.
  • Board Member (Non-Profit and Fundraising Expert)
  • Offers strategies and advice on fundraising initiatives and nonprofit management.
  • Board Member (Financial Oversight Specialist)
  • Enhances financial accountability and audits, reviews financial strategies.
  • Board Member (Startup and Venture Capital Expert)
  • Provides insights into venture financing, scalability, and startup ecosystems.
  • Board Member (Marketing and Outreach Specialist)
  • Advises on marketing strategies and community engagement.
  • Board Member (E-commerce and Retail Expert)
  • Guides on online retail strategies, customer experience, and e-commerce trends.
  • Board Member (Digital Transformation Specialist)
  • Focuses on leveraging technology for organizational transformation and efficiency.

II. Executive Team

Functions: Directs company strategy and operations, ensuring the organization meets its goals efficiently and effectively.

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Strategic leadership and decision-making across the entire organization.
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • Manages financial planning, risk management, record-keeping, and financial reporting.
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO)
  • Oversees ongoing operations and procedures, responsible for efficiency.
  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
  • Leads technological development and ensures the tech stack supports business needs.
  • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
  • Drives marketing strategy and efforts to enhance brand recognition and consumer engagement.
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Manages recruitment, training, employee relations, and workplace culture.
  • Legal Counsel
  • Ensures all corporate affairs remain compliant with laws and regulations.
  • Internal Auditor
  • Evaluates and improves the effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control processes.

III. Donation-Based Crowdfunding Department

Functions: Manages donation-driven fundraising campaigns and relations with donors.

  1. Management Team
  • Director of Donation-Based Crowdfunding
  • Overall leadership for donation strategies and operations.
  • Fundraising Manager
  • Plans and executes fundraising strategies and campaigns.
  • Communications Manager
  • Manages all communications with stakeholders and media.
  • Donor Relations Manager
  • Builds and maintains relationships with donors.
  1. Technical Team
  • Crowdfunding Platform Developer, Backend Developer, Frontend Developer, Database Administrator, Technical Support Specialist
  • Develop and maintain the crowdfunding platform ensuring usability and security.
  1. Other Positions
  • Marketing Specialist, Content Writer, Social Media Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Event Planner, Administrative Assistant
  • Support various departmental activities from events to online content and administrative tasks.

IV. Debt Crowdfunding Department

Functions: Facilitates debt financing through crowdfunding.

  1. Management Team
  • Similar structure to the Donation-Based department with a focus on debt instruments.
  1. Technical Team
  • Tailored for building and maintaining a secure platform specific to debt crowdfunding needs.
  1. Other Positions
  • Specialized in customer and investor relations specific to debt products.

V. E-Commerce Provider Department

Functions: Manages online sales platforms and digital product management.

  1. Management Team
  • Director of E-Commerce, Sales Manager, Product Manager, Supply Chain Manager
  • Guide the department in managing online sales platforms and coordinating the product lifecycle.
  1. Technical Team
  • Develops and maintains the e-commerce infrastructure.
  1. Other Positions
  • Support roles related to sales, digital marketing, and customer service.

VI. Partnership

  • OD Trading Import-Export Sole Co., Ltd
  • Children Development Association (CDA)
  • BK & R Trading Co, LTD
  • Functions: Collaborate on various initiatives, exchange expertise, and support mutual growth through strategic partnerships.

This structure aligns the organization to effectively manage and optimize various specialized functions, ensuring competent administration across different areas of focus from technology to crowdfunding and e-commerce operations.


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