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Support Flood Relief Efforts in Lao PDR

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 29th May 2024

End Date : 31st May 2027

Dear Friend, Today, we reach out to you with a pressing call for action. Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is facing severe flooding exacerbated by the undeniable impacts of climate change. This alarming situation threatens communities, destroys homes, and cripples the livelihoods of thousands across the nation. Why Lao PDR Needs Our Help Now: In recent years, Lao PDR has experienced unprecedented rainfall leading to rivers overflowing their banks, and significant flooding across many provinces. More than just immediate distress, these floods are a growing threat to long-term sustainability, affecting not only personal property but also agriculture — a crucial lifeline for the majority of the population who depend on farming to support their families.

The Consequences of Inaction:Homes and Infrastructure: Many families are displaced, with their homes damaged or completely destroyed.Agriculture and Food Security: Crucial crop losses jeopardize food security and increase poverty rates.Health Risks:

Stagnant water increases the risk of waterborne diseases, posing a severe health threat to communities.Our Immediate Goals:Emergency Relief: Provide immediate aid including clean water, food, and shelter to displaced families.Recovery and Rebuilding: Assist in the rebuilding of homes and infrastructure damaged by floods.Sustainable Solutions: Implement flood-resistant agricultural practices and improve water management to mitigate future flooding impacts.How You Can Help:Make a Donation: Your financial support is critical.

It allows us to mobilize resources quickly to meet both immediate and long-term needs of the affected communities.Spread the Word: Share our message with your network to raise more awareness and support. Every share counts!Volunteer: If you're in or near Lao PDR, join our team of dedicated volunteers helping on the ground.

Your Impact: Every donation goes directly to providing relief to those most affected.

Here’s how your contribution can help:

$50 helps provide emergency food supplies to a family for a week.

$100 aids in supplying clean water to 50 people.

$500 contributes to rebuilding a flood-damaged home.Join Us in This Crucial Time: In the face of this growing crisis, your solidarity with the people of Lao PDR is more critical than ever. Together, we can help alleviate suffering and pave the way for recovery and resilience against future calamities.

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1066 days to go
People have made a donation


$ 100.00 at 19th Jun 2024


$ 1,000.00 at 1st Jun 2024

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