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Justice for All - Litigation Support Fund in Lao

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 14th June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2025

Introduction Welcome to our "Justice for All" campaign, where we aim to raise funds to support essential litigation cases that will help protect the rights and environments of communities in Lao PDR. By rallying the global community to contribute funds, we hope to make a tangible impact in fighting legal battles crucial for defending disenfranchised groups and preserving natural habitats endangered by unsustainable practices

The Need for Support

In Lao PDR, various communities face significant challenges regarding land rights, environmental protection, and basic human freedoms. Some of these issues include unlawful land grabbing, deforestation, and lack of access to justice for low-income families. Unfortunately, many affected groups lack the financial resources necessary to engage competent legal representation to defend their rights.

Our Mission

This campaign aims to directly fund the legal representation, court fees, travel costs for legal teams, and community legal education to ensure these vital cases are not only heard but won. By securing funding, we can:

  • Provide expert legal representation to underrepresented communities
  • Cover all associated costs necessary for prolonged litigation
  • Organize workshops to educate communities about their rights and legal processes

How Your Contributions Help

Every dollar you donate goes towards:

  • Legal Fees: Hiring skilled local attorneys who specialize in land rights and environmental law.
  • Court Costs: Filing fees, documentation expenses, and other court-related costs.
  • Community Workshops: Creating and distributing educational materials, organizing community meetings, and facilitating legal education.
  • Operational Costs: Travel expenses for legal teams to reach remote areas, accommodation during prolonged cases, and other logistical needs.

Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and accountability are our top priorities. Donors to the campaign will receive:

  • Monthly updates on the progress of the cases and use of funds.
  • Detailed breakdowns of expenditures.
  • Stories and testimonials from beneficiaries and involved communities.

Time-Sensitive Call to Action

The sooner we raise this money, the sooner we can begin addressing these critical issues head-on. Some cases are time-sensitive, with communities needing immediate support to halt irreversible damages.

How to Contribute

  1. Donate: Any amount you can offer makes a difference.
  2. Share: Use the power of social media to spread our message further. Every share counts!
  3. Engage: Join the conversation online to raise awareness about these pressing issues.

Perks for Contributors

While our campaign's nature focuses on altruistic goals, we have arranged a few perks as a token of appreciation for significant contributions:

  • $100 Donation: Personalized digital thank you card from our team.
  • $500 Donation: A detailed case report upon completion of a legal battle you supported.
  • $1000 Donation: Invitation to a virtual meeting with the legal team for a behind-the-scenes discussion about the cases supported.


With \\Justice for All,\\ you are not just donating to a cause, but you are actively participating in shaping the lives of thousands who cannot stand up alone. Your support lends more than money; it lends hope and empowerment.

Donate Today and join us in this critical mission. Your action today can rewrite someone's future tomorrow. Let’s stand together for justice in Lao PDR!






Also To Go


Not Yet Completed

364 days to go
People have made a donation


$ 100.00 at 19th Jun 2024

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