Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
and E-Commerce

Our financial Advisory Service


Elevating Rural Youth in Lao PDR

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 27th June 2024

End Date : 27th June 2028

Campaign Title: "LaunchPad: Elevating Rural Youth in Lao PDR" Overview: LaunchPad is a groundbreaking donation-based crowdfunding campaign designed to empower the youth of rural Lao PDR by enabling their education in urban centers. Our initiative supports motivated young individuals who have limited access to educational resources and opportunities in their local areas by providing the necessary financial support and resources to pursue their studies in cities. The Challenge: Youth in rural areas of Lao PDR often face significant educational disadvantages due to geographic isolation, inadequate local schooling options, and financial constraints. This results not only in personal potential going unrealized but also slows the overall socioeconomic development of the country.

Our Mission:

LaunchPad aims to reduce educational inequality and foster youth development by financially supporting rural students. By relocating them to well-resourced city schools, we open up opportunities that extend well beyond access to better education, including professional networking, quality healthcare, and exposure to diverse cultures and ideas.

Campaign Goals:

  1. Fundraising Target: Aim to raise $50,000 within the first year.
  2. Support 100 Students: Provide comprehensive financial support for 100 students to cover their educational costs, housing, and living expenses.
  3. Long-term Development: Establish mentoring programs and career guidance opportunities to ensure sustained support and successful integration into urban educational environments.

How Donations Will Be Used:

  • 70% Education and Tuition Fees
  • 20% Accommodation and Living Expenses
  • 10% Transportation and Initial Setup Costs

Donors will have full transparency with detailed regular reports on how their contributions are being utilized to support the students.

Why Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding makes it possible to pool resources from a diverse group of people, enabling widespread community support and engagement. It transforms individual small donations into a collective force that can make a significant impact on the lives of rural youth.

Benefits for Donors:

  • Impact Updates: Receive regular updates on students' progress and successes.
  • Recognition: Acknowledgment in campaign-related materials and events depending on donation size.
  • Tax Deductions: Contributions could be eligible for tax deductions, with details depending on local statutes.

Outreach Strategy:

  1. Digital Campaigning: Utilize popular social media platforms and content marketing to spread the word and reach a wide audience.
  2. Local Community Engagement: Organize roadshows and community meetings in both rural and urban areas to drive engagement and participation.
  3. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with educational institutions and local businesses to secure internships and training opportunities for the students.

How to Help:

  • Donate: Make a direct contribution via our online crowdfunding platform.
  • Share the Campaign: Help us reach a wider audience by sharing the campaign with your friends, family, and on social media.
  • Volunteer: Provide on-ground support for student relocation and adjustment to city life.


With your support, LaunchPad can transform the future for rural youth in Lao PDR by providing them with the education and opportunities they need to succeed. This campaign is more than just about funding; it’s about building a supportive community that champions the potential of every young person.


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Also To Go


Not Yet Completed

1457 days to go
People have made a donation


$ 100.00 at 17th Jun 2024

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