Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
and E-Commerce

Our financial Advisory Service


Building Bridges: Strengthening Society in Lao PDR

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 18th June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2027

Campaign Description: Introduction: Lao PDR is home to a rich tapestry of cultures and communities, each with unique challenges and potential. "Building Bridges" is a new initiative aimed at fostering unity, enriching communities, and addressing pressing social issues ranging from education deficits to health care needs across the nation. Campaign Goal: Our goal is to raise $200,000 to facilitate community-driven projects that build stronger, more resilient social structures and improve quality of life across diverse regions of Lao PDR

How Funds Will Be Used:

  1. Community Development Projects ($80,000): Initiatives include building community centers, improving local infrastructures like markets and roads, and providing necessary facilities like clean public toilets and drinking water systems.
  2. Educational Programs and Resources ($60,000): Funding scholarships, training teachers, supplying schools with necessary materials, and implementing educational technology in remote areas.
  3. Healthcare Enhancements ($60,000): Improving access to medical facilities, provision of mobile health clinics to underserved areas, and conducting health education campaigns focusing on nutrition and preventive care.

Impact of Your Contribution:

  • Enhanced Community Facilities: Upgraded infrastructure will provide safe, accessible spaces for social growth and development.
  • Educational Advancement: By equipping students and teachers with the necessary tools, we can unlock greater potential and open new opportunities.
  • Improved Health Outcomes: Strengthened healthcare services will decrease morbidity rates and increase quality of life through preventive care and improved medical access.

Why Donate?

  • Transparency: We pledge complete transparency with our donors. Detailed reports outlining the allocation and impact of funds will be provided regularly.
  • Engagement: High-level donors are invited to participate in project selections and receive firsthand updates from community leaders and beneficiaries.
  • Recognition: All donations over $500 will be publicly acknowledged in project-related communications and on our website.

Campaign Rewards:

  • Donations of $25: Receive a newsletter subscription detailing the project’s progress and impacts.
  • Donations of $100: All of the above plus a digital photo book showcasing community engagement and testimonials.
  • Donations of $500: All previous rewards plus your name on a donor recognition board at every major project site.
  • Donations of $1,000 or more: All of the above plus an invitation to visit the project sites and meet the communities you’ve impacted.

How to Donate: You can make a lasting impact on the social fabric of Lao PDR by clicking the following link to access our secure crowdfunding platform and making your donation:

  • Link to Donate: www.odboxventures.com
  • Share Our Campaign: Amplify the reach of this initiative by sharing this campaign with family, friends, and on your social media platforms. Every share extends our network of support and community care.
  • Share on Facebook | Share on Twitter | Share on Instagram

Become a part of \\Building Bridges: Strengthening Society in Lao PDR\\, where every contribution brings us closer to a united and progressive society. Let's invest in the community, create opportunities, and build a stronger tomorrow together.





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1094 days to go

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