Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
and E-Commerce

Our financial Advisory Service


Clean Water for Brighter Futures

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 24th June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2027

Campaign Title: "Waves of Change: Clean Water for Brighter Futures" Overview: Waves of Change is a pivotal initiative designed to support rural students who relocate to urban centers in Lao PDR for their education by ensuring they have access to clean and safe drinking water. Through donation-based crowdfunding, this campaign seeks to alleviate one of the significant challenges these students face—access to safe water—enabling them to focus on their studies and thrive in their new urban school environments. The Challenge: Many students from rural areas of Lao PDR who move to cities for better educational opportunities face difficulties in accessing clean drinking water. The lack of safe water can lead to health problems, affecting attendance and performance in school, and burdening students with additional stress and financial costs.

The Challenge:

Many students from rural areas of Lao PDR who move to cities for better educational opportunities face difficulties in accessing clean drinking water. The lack of safe water can lead to health problems, affecting attendance and performance in school, and burdening students with additional stress and financial costs.

Our Mission:

Waves of Change aims to equip these students with the necessary resources to have consistent access to clean water, thereby removing a fundamental barrier to their health and academic success. Our goal is to ensure that these aspiring scholars can dedicate their efforts to learning rather than worrying about their basic needs.

Campaign Goals:

  1. Fundraising Target: Raise $25,000 to establish and maintain clean water solutions for students.
  2. Provide Water Filters: Supply 100 water filters to students’ accommodations in urban areas.
  3. Health and Hygiene Workshops: Organize workshops to educate students on the importance of hydration and clean water for health.

How Donations Will Be Used:

  • Purchase and Distribution of Water Filters: 60%
  • Installation and Maintenance: 20%
  • Educational Workshops on Water Health: 10%
  • Operational and Administrative Expenses: 10%

Donors will receive detailed reports showing how their contributions are being utilized, and the measurable impacts made.

Why Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding harnesses the collective power of individuals who share a commitment to making a difference, allowing for wide participation and immediate impact. It offers a transparent platform for donors to see exactly where their money is going and the lives they are touching.

Benefits for Donors:

  • Impact Updates: Regular updates on the project's progress and stories from students who benefit from the clean water.
  • Recognition: Donors will be acknowledged on our website and through our social media channels.
  • Tax Deductions: Contributions will be tax-deductible, enhancing donor incentives.

Outreach Strategy:

  1. Social Media Campaigning: Dynamic use of social media to spread awareness, share live updates, and engage with a global audience.
  2. Collaborations with Local NGOs: Partner with local NGOs and schools to ensure effective distribution and education.
  3. Interactive Webinars: Host webinars to educate potential donors about the water crisis affecting urban-bound rural students and the solutions we offer.

How to Help:

  • Donate: Every dollar contributes towards providing a student with clean, safe drinking water.
  • Advocate: Help us amplify our reach and impact by sharing our campaign with your network.
  • Volunteer: Offer your expertise in event coordination, educational training, or technical water solutions.


Join us in the Waves of Change campaign to dismantle the barriers to education faced by Lao's rural youth through the provision of clean water. Your support not only improves their health but also unlocks their potential to succeed in their educational pursuits and beyond.

Act now: Contribute to a wave of positive change in the lives of these deserving students.



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Also To Go


Not Yet Completed

1094 days to go

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