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Honoring Heritage: The Lao Memorial Project

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 30th June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2028

Campaign Title: "Honoring Heritage: The Lao Memorial Project" Campaign Description: Introduction: In Lao PDR, the rich history and sacrifices of past generations continue to shape the nation. "Honoring Heritage: The Lao Memorial Project" is dedicated to preserving this legacy through the construction of a new memorial and community education center that will serve as a beacon of remembrance and learning for all. Campaign Goal: We aim to raise $150,000 to fund the creation of a memorial park and an attached educational center dedicated to the history and cultural heritage of Lao PDR. This space will not only honor those who have contributed to the nation's history but also educate future generations about their roots and the value of preservation.

How Funds Will Be Used:

  1. Memorial Park Construction ($80,000): Development of a serene, landscaped park with sculptures and plaques that pay tribute to significant figures and events in Lao history.
  2. Educational Center Building ($50,000): Establishment of a facility equipped with interactive exhibits, historical archives, and learning materials.
  3. Programs and Maintenance Fund ($20,000): To support ongoing educational programs, workshops, and upkeep of the memorial park and education center.

Impact of Your Contribution:

  • Cultural Preservation: Ensuring that the rich history of Lao PDR is preserved and communicated to future generations.
  • Educational Enrichment: Providing a place where students and the community can learn about their past, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for their cultural heritage.
  • Community Engagement: Creating a space for community events, discussions, and commemorations that strengthen social bonds.

Why Donate?

  • Transparency: Regular updates and open access to financial usage reports will be provided to all donors.
  • Recognition: Contributions of any size will be recognized within the educational center. Special recognition for major donors on dedicated plaques.
  • Legacy: Donors have the unique opportunity to be part of a lasting legacy in Lao PDR that will educate and enrich the community for generations to come.

Campaign Rewards:

  • Donations of $50: Receive a digital thank-you card featuring a design inspired by Lao history.
  • Donations of $100: Above, plus a custom-printed poster of the memorial park design.
  • Donations of $500: All the above plus your name inscribed on the “Contributors Wall” inside the educational center.
  • Donations of $1000 or more: All of the above plus an invitation to the grand opening ceremony and a private guided tour of the park and educational center.

How to Donate: Support this important cultural project by clicking the link and contributing through our secure donation platform:

Share Our Campaign: Help us make this vision a reality by sharing this campaign with your family, friends, and on social media. Every share helps us get closer to our goal, preserving and celebrating Lao heritage.

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\Your generosity breathes life into our collective memory. Join us in building the 'Honoring Heritage: The Lao Memorial Project' as a tribute to our history and a legacy for future generations.\






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1460 days to go

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