Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
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Supporting Student Health in Lao PDR

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 18th June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2027

Overview: Healing Hands is a transformative donation-based crowdfunding campaign designed to ensure that students from rural areas in Lao PDR have access to essential medical treatments and health services as they pursue their education in urban centers. By bridging the gap in healthcare access, we aim to foster a healthier, more conducive learning environment for these students. The Challenge: Students moving from rural to urban areas in Lao PDR often find themselves without adequate healthcare coverage, which can result in untreated health issues that hinder their educational progress and overall well-being. The lack of medical services can lead to absenteeism and reduced academic performance, ultimately affecting their futures.

Our Mission:

The mission of Healing Hands is to provide comprehensive health support to rural students studying in urban areas, ensuring they receive the necessary medical care to remain healthy and focused on their studies. This initiative not only covers treatment but also preventive care to minimize health-related disruptions in their education.

Campaign Goals:

  1. Fundraising Target: Raise $40,000 over the next year to fund health check-ups, treatments, and emergency medical needs.
  2. Student Health Services: Partner with urban medical facilities to provide check-ups and treatments for at least 100 students.
  3. Health Education: Implement workshops to educate students on basic health care, nutrition, and preventive practices.

How Donations Will Be Used:

  • Direct Medical Treatments and Check-Ups: 60%
  • Partnerships with Local Clinics: 20%
  • Health Education and Preventive Programs: 15%
  • Administrative and Operational Costs: 5%

Donations will be transparently allocated, with regular updates provided to our supporters on spending and outcomes.

Why Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding taps into the collective goodwill of individuals globally, enabling them to contribute towards large-scale health initiatives that have a tangible impact. It allows us to pool resources quickly and efficiently, offering a direct connection between donors and the beneficiaries of their generosity.

Benefits for Donors:

  • Regular Health Updates: Receive detailed impact reports on the health status and progress of the students supported.
  • Acknowledgment: Recognition across campaign materials, website, and social media.
  • Tax Benefits: All contributions will be acknowledged with receipts for tax deduction purposes.

Outreach Strategy:

  1. Digital Outreach: Engage potential donors through targeted social media campaigns, impactful student stories, and informational content about health disparities.
  2. Partnerships: Form alliances with health organizations and local businesses to extend our reach and resources.
  3. Community Involvement: Involve local communities and schools to foster an ecosystem of support around the students.

How to Help:

  • Donate: Every contribution ensures that one more student accesses vital health services.
  • Share: Use your voice on social media to amplify our message and reach more potential donors.
  • Volunteer: Support our campaign by volunteering in various capacities, such as event organization or health education.


Through the Healing Hands campaign, you can make a direct impact on the lives of rural students transitioning to urban schools in Lao PDR. Your support helps them stay healthy and able to pursue their educational goals without the added burden of medical concerns.

Help us turn the tide of student health in Lao PDR—support Healing Hands today.


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1094 days to go

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