Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
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Nourish Lao PDR - Elevating Healthy Food Access

Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Start Date : 17th June 2024

End Date : 30th June 2026

Introduction Welcome to "Nourish Lao PDR," a mission-driven campaign aimed at increasing access to healthy, sustainable food for communities across the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Our objective is to address food insecurity, promote nutritional education, and support sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring that every citizen of Lao PDR can enjoy the benefits of fresh, nutritious food. The Need for Change In Lao PDR, fast-growing urbanization and economic shifts have strained traditional food systems and increased the prevalence of non-communicable diseases due to nutritional deficiencies. Rural and underserved urban areas particularly struggle with accessing affordable and healthy food options, impacting overall community health and children’s development.

Our Strategy

To combat these challenges, \Nourish Lao PDR\ is focused on three key areas:

  1. Supporting Local Farmers: Funding organic farms and community gardens to boost local production of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Educational Programs: Implementing workshops and programs in schools and communities to educate children and adults about the principles of nutrition and healthy eating.
  3. Infrastructure Development: Building and enhancing local markets, and improving food storage facilities to keep produce fresh and nutritious.

Use of Funds

Your donations will be allocated to the following initiatives:

  • $15,000 for Local Farms: Grants for farmers to adopt organic practices, purchase seeds, and modernize irrigation systems.
  • $10,000 for Educational Programs: Development of curriculum, training of educators, and production of educational materials.
  • $10,000 for Market Infrastructure: Construction and enhancement of local markets and improved food storage solutions.
  • $5,000 for Operational Expenses: Logistics, administration, and communication between project stakeholders.

Transparency and Reporting

We are committed to transparency:

  • Monthly progress reports and financial statements will be provided to all donors.
  • Regular project updates with photos and video content showing the impact of your contributions.
  • Annual review reports with detailed analysis of how funds have improved food security and community health.

Why Contributions Matter Now

Immediate funding is essential. The onset of the planting season and the school year overlap significantly, and timely resource allocation will maximize impact by aligning with these critical periods.

How to Contribute

  1. Donate: Any amount helps. Even small contributions can help purchase seeds or educational materials.
  2. Share: Spread the word to your network on social media, through email, or by word of mouth.
  3. Volunteer: If you're local, join us on the ground. We need hands in everything from planting to teaching.

Perks for Contributors

  • $50 Donation: Receive a digital “Thank You” pack with photos from the project you supported.
  • $100 Donation: Get a personalized video message from the community benefiting from your donation.
  • $500 Donation: Your name or company will be featured on a plaque at one of the funded project sites.
  • $1,000 Donation: Invitation to virtually attend the opening of a new local market or educational program, including a live interaction with the beneficiaries.


Join us in empowering the communities of Lao PDR through sustainable and healthy food practices. Every dollar you donate to \Nourish Lao PDR\ goes directly towards creating a more nourished, educated, and sustainable society. Together, we can sow the seeds of health and wellness for current and future generations.

Donate Today and make a difference in the fight against food insecurity in Lao PDR. Your support has the power to bring lasting change to the lives of many.





Also To Go


Not Yet Completed

729 days to go

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