Our mission: Donation Based and Debt Crowdfunding
and E-Commerce

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Stock Up & Save: Powering Bulk Buys for Better Val

Debt Crowdfunding

Start Date : 1st August 2024

End Date : 31st August 2025

Campaign Title: "Stock Up & Save: Powering Bulk Buys for Better Value in Laos" Campaign Overview: This initiative seeks to raise funds to enable significant bulk purchases of inventory critical to our operations in distributing foodstuffs across Lao PDR. By buying in bulk, we can negotiate considerable discounts, reduce the cost of goods, and pass the savings onto our customers while stabilizing our supply chain.

Campaign Objectives:

  • Primary Goal: Raise $50,000 within 90 days to fund bulk inventory purchases.
  • Operational Objectives: Secure lower pricing through bulk buying, enhance inventory management, reduce operational risk by stabilizing supply, and increase profit margins.
  • Community Impact: Offer more competitive pricing to local consumers and support local suppliers by committing to larger, more consistent orders.

Key Strategies:

Financial Planning:

  • Analyze historical sales data and forecast demand to determine the optimal inventory levels.
  • Calculate the exact savings per bulk purchase tier and set a precise funding target based on the most significant ROI.

Marketing and Outreach:

  • Develop a compelling narrative that showcases the benefits of bulk purchasing not only for the business but also for the entire community, including cost reduction, price stability, and supporting local suppliers.
  • Use compelling visuals and stories in social media campaigns, emphasizing how contributions will directly enhance community resilience in food availability.
  • Organize local community events and online webinars to explain the campaign goals and benefits.

Budget Determination:

  • Bulk Purchase Cost: Detailed breakdown of inventory types and quantities that can be purchased with collected funds.
  • Campaign and Operational Costs: Estimate the cost of running the campaign, including marketing, third-party platform fees, and any legal or transactional expenses.

Transparency and Reporting:

  • Offer full disclosure of pricing structures, expected savings, and how these translate into growth and consumer benefits.
  • Publish a detailed financial plan accessible to all potential donors.

Reward Tiers:

  • Supporter ($10): Thank you note and name on the campaign website.
  • Contributor ($50): All of the above + personalized updates during the stock buying process.
  • Advocate ($100): All of the above + a discount coupon for first purchases post-campaign.
  • Champion ($500): All the above + invitation to a special 'strategy update' virtual meeting after campaign conclusion.
  • Visionary ($1,000): All the above + a yearly round-up report for the first year showing how the increased buying power impacted the business and community.


  • Preparation Phase (30 days prior): Establish campaign structure, prepare promotional materials, and initiate pre-launch teasers.
  • Launch Day: Kick-off event online, possibly featuring testimonials from suppliers and a live Q&A session.
  • Campaign Duration (90 days): Maintain engagement through weekly updates, impact showcases, and active community engagement both online and offline.
  • Post-Campaign (60 days): Conduct the bulk purchases, document the process, and start fulfilling pledges related to the reward tiers.
  • Ongoing: Regular updates on how the bulk inventory is impacting business operations.


  • Continuous assessment of inventory turnover rates and market demands to optimize future bulk purchasing strategies.
  • Develop further relationships with suppliers for sustainable bulk buying agreements.

Evaluation of Success:

  • Fulfillment of the monetary goal within the specified timeframe.
  • Successful negotiation and execution of bulk purchases.
  • Positive feedback loops indicated by sales improvements and customer satisfaction surveys.

By strategically managing campaign details from planning through to rewards and updates, this crowdfunding initiative can maximize community engagement and successfully fund bulk inventory purchasing, driving sustainability and growth within the local economy of Lao PDR.

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Also To Go


Not Yet Completed

336 days to go

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