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Hearts & Farms: Sustaining Lao Communities

Debt Crowdfunding

Start Date : 1st August 2024

End Date : 31st January 2025

Campaign Title: "Hearts & Farms: Sustaining Lao Communities Through Crow and Pig Farming" Campaign Summary: This campaign aims to fund a sustainable agricultural initiative in Laos PDR by supporting crow and pig raising. The focus is on enhancing food security, diversifying local income sources, and fostering an eco-friendly approach to pest control and farming. Campaign Objectives: To raise $50,000 over a 90-day period to establish and support sustainable farming practices for crow and pig

Campaign Objectives:

  • To raise $50,000 over a 90-day period to establish and support sustainable farming practices for crow and pig raising.
  • To create a model of sustainable, diversified agriculture that can be replicated in other rural areas of Laos PDR.
  • To provide training and create job opportunities for local farmers, with an emphasis on women and youth.
  • To encourage eco-friendly practices with crows being used as natural pest-control agents, reducing the need for harmful pesticides.

Key Strategies:

Research and Needs Assessment:

  • Conduct surveys and interviews with local farmers to assess requirements.
  • Consult with agro-ecologists to create an integrated farming system.
  • Establish clear objectives based on the community's feedback and needs.

Partnerships and Collaborations:

  • Formulate agreements with local authorities for land and farming privileges.
  • Develop partnerships with agribusiness experts for training modules.
  • Connect with NGOs for additional support and to reach wider audiences.

Marketing and Outreach:

  • Develop a strong brand presence with an easily recognizable logo and visual style.
  • Collaborate with local storytellers and filmmakers to produce authentic content.
  • Employ social media strategies focusing on storytelling to engage a wider donor base.
  • Reach out to the Laotian diaspora community for support and funding.

Budget Breakdown:

  • $20,000 for purchasing breeding stock (pigs and crows).
  • $15,000 for building farm infrastructure (pigsties, crow aviaries, etc.).
  • $7,500 for farmer training programs and workshops.
  • $5,000 for marketing, campaign fees, and transaction costs.
  • $2,500 reserved for monitoring, evaluation, and unforeseen costs.

Transparency and Trust:

  • Design a transparent workflow to manage and track funds.
  • Schedule monthly updates via email, social media, and crowdfunding platform.

Reward Tiers:

  • Contributor ($25): Thank-you email, name listed on supporter's webpage.
  • Friend ($50): Previous + set of postcards with imagery from the farms.
  • Supporter ($100): Previous + printed photo book of the project.
  • Enthusiast ($250): Previous + bag of local Laotian coffee or tea.
  • Patron ($500): Previous + name inscribed on the farm's benefactor plaque.
  • Champion ($1000): Previous + personalize virtual farm tour.
  • Visionary ($5000): Previous + opportunity to name a farm animal and annual reports on its well-being.


  • Pre-Launch Phase (30 days before): Website and social media setup, press release, influencer engagement.
  • Launch Phase (Day 1): Launch party streamed live, engaging with local press, online ads go live.
  • Campaign Duration (90 days): Weekly updates, live Q&A sessions, testimonial releases.
  • Post-Campaign (30 days after): Fund allocation begins, rewards fulfillment, setting up infrastructure.
  • Ongoing (Every 90 days): Reporting on progress, addressing challenges, community feedback loop activated.

Project Sustainability:

  • Training locals in veterinary care to ensure animal health long-term.
  • Developing market links for the sale of pigs and eco-friendly crow by-products.
  • Exploring options to reinvest profits into expanding the farm projects.

By adhering to this detailed breakdown and persistently engaging with all stakeholders, the "Hearts & Farms" campaign has the potential to significantly improve the livelihoods of rural communities in Laos through sustainable agricultural practices and contribute to the country's progress toward environmental sustainability.


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Not Yet Completed

124 days to go
People have made an investment

Smeun Boreyroth

$ 1,000.00 at 8th Jul 2024

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